Osprey (Yr6) 2024 - 2025

Miss Sims

Year 6 TA

Miss Roney

Yr6 teacher

                       Welcome to Osprey Class, 


where we encourage everyone to ‘Let Your Light Shine’ (Matthew 5:16)    

Let your light shine, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.


But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint. —Isaiah 40:31

Our class teachers is Miss Roney and  our teaching assistants are Miss Sims and Mrs Tennant




How will you 'let your light shine' in Osprey class?


Monday and Tuesday are our PE days- please come in your PE kit on these days.


Please find information regarding work you can complete at home on the 'Home Learning' page found above.


As a Church School, we approach all that we do through our Christian Values which are embedded throughout our curriculum. They are…

Joy, Celebration, Hope, Friendship, Forgiveness, Love, Trust

This half term we are focusing on the 'Friendship'.






We follow a BOOKS approach to our learning. We want our curriculum to:

Demonstrate BRAVERY – we want our teachers to be ambitious when planning our curriculum with high expectations of all learners. We want our learners to be brave, willing to take risks and get things wrong, and show resilience alongside a strong desire to learn and grow


Be OUTWARD-FACING – outhumbnail_IMG_3296.jpgr curriculum will look beyond our school to our local community and will encourage children to see themselves as part of the wider national and global community. They will learn from other countries, faiths and cultures and we will celebrate differences while recognising that all life on Earth is precious. Our children will understand they have the power to affect change through courageous advocacy and both ask and answer Big Questions.


Create memorable OPPORTUNITIES – we want our children’s time at Tarporley to be f


illed with happy memories that spark their curiosity, motivate them to reach their full potential, ensure learning is ‘sticky’ and instil in them a life

-long love of learning. 


Develop KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS– we recognise that knowledge is key. Our coherently planned and sequenced curriculum ensures all children can achieve, make sense of the world and make informed judgements and decisions. Our children will leave us with the skills they need to thrive in the next stage of their learning



Nurture SPIRITUALITY – led by our Christian Values, staff will nurture the whole child by developing their social, moral, cultural and spiritual well-being. We 

recognise spirituality as ways of being with God and the ways God is with us

…while always having high-quality BOOKS and reading at the heart of our teaching and learning!




Spring Term

This term we will be studying:



                        UKS2 Spring 2025

English (including focus text and genre)

The Selfish Giant Y6 (Classic fiction & Explanation)

The Island Y6 (Journalistic & discussion)

Class Text

Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver (Martin Jenkins)

The Explorer (Katherine Rundell)

Pathways poetry


The Sea

Pathways to Read

The Happy Prince and Other Tales

The Explorer by Katherine R





Converting Units

Perimeter, Area & Volume


Religious Education

What Sikhi beliefs are important to Sikhs? Why is community and equality important to Sikhs?

Is death an end or beginning? Lost, death & Christian hope.

SRE No Outsiders

How to heal a broken wing

To recognise when someone needs help


To overcome fears about difference


Evolution & inheritance

Evolution & inheritance

Art and Design


Exploring Identity


Text adventures 6.5


Networks 6.6

Design and Technology

Frame Structures - CAD (design part)

Frame structures (Making part)


Why does population change?




What does the census tell us about our local area?





Historical context for ballads.

Historical context of musical styles - breakdancing and 80s Hip Hop culture in general.

Physical Education


Striking and fielding



Trips and Residentials

Zoo trip (Y5 & 6)

Safety Central – Y5 (2025)





Please find a link to our Meet the Teacher presentation below.


Curriculum Information - 

The information above outlines the topics that are covered in UKS2 during the Autumn term. If you wish to support your child explore some of these topics then please encourage them to borrow books from the library, find and read articles relating to the topics or visit local museums and places of interest. The children will hopefully enjoy these topics and will return home to share the information they have learnt with their parents. 



The key skill of communication includes skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Skills in speaking and listening include the ability to speak effectively for different audiences; to listen, understand and respond appropriately to others; and to participate effectively in group discussion. Skills in reading include the ability to read fluently and analyse a range of literary and non-fiction texts and to reflect critically on what is read. When writing, children should write fluently for a range of purposes and audiences and be able to edit and improve their own and others' writing. Opportunities for developing this key skill are provided through focused English lessons but also constantly through pupils' use of language across all areas of the curriculum.  Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, often referred to as SPAG, is taught explicitly as well as being embedded into lessons.

We will be following the Pathways to Read and Pathways to Write planning units.


Maths skills include developing a range of mental and written calculation methods and the ability to apply these to problem solving activities. Children should understand and use mathematical language related to numbers and calculations. They will learn to solve increasingly complex problems and clearly explain the reasoning used. Pupils need to be able to apply calculation skills and the understanding of number to problems in other subjects and to real-life situations. Opportunities for developing this key skill are constantly provided in focused maths lessons and where possible, are linked to topic work.

Physical Education

There are 2 PE lessons each week when in school. Please come to school in your uniform and bring your PE kit on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Could children please make sure that they are not wearing earrings/can take them out on P.E. days and that hair is tied back.


UKS2 will be given homework every week.  Homework is given out on a Friday and collected the following Wednesday.  It will consist of reading, writing and maths. Practising reading remains very important whether it is with an adult or independently. Children should aim to read daily/as often as possible and it is valuable to ask them questions – particularly inferential - about what they have read. All reading should be recorded in their homework diary. Homework diaries will be checked and house points awarded for home reading.

The optional homework menu for Spring term can be found below.


During Spring term our PE days will be Tuesday and Wednesday.

Please come to school in your uniform and bring your PE kit with you on both days.

Files to Download

Osprey (Yr6): News items

Nut Allergies, by Miss Primary

S4YC Holiday Club, by Miss Primary

Osprey (Yr6): Calendar items

Chester Zoo Trip, by Miss Primary

Rocksteady Concert, by Miss Primary

Beer Festival Weekend, by Miss Primary

Tarporley CE Primary, Park Road, Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 0AN

Tel: 01829 708188 | Email: admin@tarporleyce.cheshire.sch.uk

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