
Our Governing Body

Chair of Governors -    Chris Fry   Vice Chair -   Rev Jim Bridgeman    Headteacher - Kerry Forrester

Governors -  Rev. Jim Bridgman, Rachel Sims,  Chris Fry, Adam Butwilowski, Nick Brown, Sara Diggle, Kerry Forrester, Claire Houston, Rev. Mark Elder

Key responsibilities of the Governing Body of Tarporley CE Primary School

  • To provide a strategic framework, within which the Headteacher and staff run the school, by setting visions and aims, establishing structures, setting priorities and targets for school improvement and agreeing policies.

  • To support and challenge the work of the school through appropriate monitoring, and evaluating the impact of agreed plans and policies.

  • To hold the Headteacher and staff to account for the performance of the school, and explain decisions made/ actions taken by the Governing Body to parents and other stakeholders in order to account for the schools overall performance.

The Headteacher is committed to involving the Governing Body in the life of the school, however the day to day management of the school remains the responsibility of the Headteacher.

Structure of the Governing Body

The Governing Body at our school is made up of members of the wider community. We have representation from the Church and the Local Education Authority. We also have two Community Governors, Foundation Governors, Teacher, Staff and Parent Governors. The Headteacher is also a member of the Governing Body.

We meet as a full Governing Body every half term with task and finish groups meeting as when required. The Chair of Governors also meets regularly with the Headteacher.

Our School Policies

Tarporley CE Primary, Park Road, Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 0AN

Tel: 01829 708188 | Email:

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