Student Login
Helping you stay safe online! 
So, we all luuurve the internet, right? It helps us keep in touch with family who live far away, watch catch up TV, find information and play games with our friends.
That's true but we need to make sure we're safe and keep our personal information private when we go into the virtual world - just like we need to stay safe in the real one!
Look out for this term's E-Cadet activities in your class, starting with our Kindness assembly.
The E-Cadets are here to help with:
- top tips
- quizzes and games to learn about staying safe
- competitions
Remember the rules we agreed to follow:
I will ask permission before entering any website, unless my teacher has already approved that site.
I will use only my own login and password, which I will keep secret.
I will only contact online people I know, or my teacher has approved.
The messages I send will be polite and sensible.
When sending messages or email, I will not give my home address or phone number, or arrange to meet someone.
I will ask for permission before opening an e-mail or an e-mail attachment sent by someone I do not know.
I will not use Internet chat in school, except if it is a discussion room that has been set up by my teacher using the school VLE.
Any work I display using the school webpages will be work that I know I would want my family and friends to see.
If I see anything I am unhappy with or I receive messages I do not like, I will tell a teacher immediately.
I know that the school may check my computer files and may monitor the Internet sites I visit.
I understand that if I deliberately break these rules, I could be stopped from using the Internet or computers.