PE & Sports Premium (including swimming competency)

Tarporley Church of England Primary School PE Sport Funding 2023 – 2024

Letting our light shine through PE and Sport is something we love and value here at Tarporley CE. This is enhanced through our BOOKS curriculum which encourages our children and staff to embrace the following approaches:
o    Bravery
o    Outward facing
o    Opportunities
o    Knowledge & understanding
o    Spirituality

The government have announced that they will be continuing to providing the additional funding of £320 million per annum to improve provision of physical education (PE) and Sport in primary schools. This funding is jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport.

Purpose of the premium

The premium must be used to fund additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport, for the benefit of primary-aged pupils, in the 2022 to 2023 academic year, to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles.

Funding for 2023 to 2024:

Schools with 17 or more eligible pupils receive £16,000 and an additional payment of £5 per pupil as recorded in the annual schools census in January 2020. Tarporley Church of England Primary School will receive a total of £18,370 for the academic year of 2023-2024 .

Primary PE and Sport Premium – 2023-2024

School Name: Tarporley CE Primary                   Academic Year: 2023/24                   Total amount Allocated: £18,370     

Focus Area Identified

Planned action

Success Criteria

Premium Allocated

Impact (July 2024)



Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE

6 x 6 week blocks of curriculum support for class teachers

Improved teaching and Learning. More confidence and Subject knowledge. More active and engaging lessons.

S4YC Package (Total £12,480)

Children received quality first teaching through development of teacher confidence and practice.

Teacher observations

Teacher voice

Pupil voice

CPD for staff members where they are able to continue to apply their learnt skills to support children’s development in PE.

Investment in SOW and assessment tool provided by S4YC – iPEP.

Improved teaching and Learning. More confidence and Subject knowledge. More active and engaging lessons.

Assessment of PE across all classes using iPEP.

S4YC Package

Children received quality first teaching through development of teacher confidence and practice.

Teachers are training in how to use the iPEP planning too as well as the assessment tool.

Through the use of this scheme of work we have ensured consistency and a natural progression in the complexity of skills taught.

Teacher observations

Teacher voice

Pupil voice

CPD for staff members where they are able to continue to apply their learnt skills to support children’s development in PE.

Subscription to AfPE.

Assist SL to implement and update Sports Premium policy accordingly.

PE lead to implement safe practice across the school and update policy accordingly.

£95 – Annual subscription

Improved confidence of SL to manage Sports Premium and allocation of funds.

Health and Safety protocols and procedures followed at all times.

PE Sports Premium Report (highlighting spending)

CPD for staff members where they are able to continue to apply their learnt skills to support children’s development in PE.

Additional swimming coach

Due to additional needs of the children attending swimming lessons, an additional adult (with the required swimming qualifications) was necessary to ensure health and safety and ratios were met during swimming sessions.


This enable qualified coaches to assist children in the pool – working towards achieving the national curriculum standard. This allowed us to enhance our existing high quality swimming provision.

Final year data for Year 6 swimmers

Student feedback

The targeting of children in other year groups with swimming will ensure that we can maintain the high percentage of children who achieve the national curriculum standard for swimming by the time they leave year 6.

Focus Area Identified

Planned action

Success Criteria

Premium Allocated




A broader range of sports and activities offered to ALL pupils

KS1 & KS2 access to clubs including:  gymnastics, multi skills, girls football etc.

KS2 access to lunchtime clubs: E.g. football, tennis, multi-sport games

Increased participation amongst targeted year groups in new sports and activities.

S4YC Package

Children engaged in healthy activities – for enjoyment, progression and exercise.

Increased fitness and motivation.

Through employing sports coaches, we have improved quality, quantity and variety of extra-curricular sports we have been able to offer.

Data collected on iPEP database relating to involvement of children in sessions and more engagement across each class.

An increase of children attending linked clubs (Dance after school club) or joining local clubs in the community (Tarporley Handball Club & local cricket teams).

Children sustaining an interest in attending these clubs.

Extra-Curricular activities (E.G. Gymnastics, karate, KS1 football club)

Increased participation amongst targeted pupils or least active.

S4YC Package

Children engaged in healthy activities – for enjoyment, progression and exercise.

Increased fitness and motivation.

Through employing sports coaches, we have improved quality, quantity and variety of extra-curricular sports we have been able to offer.

Club data analysis

An increase of children entering into clubs and sustaining an interest in attending clubs throughout the year.

Equipment to enable a range of sports to be accessed by all children.

Suitable equipment to take part in sporting activities. Increased activity time during lessons as pupils have more equipment to use.


Children enjoy improved provision with a rich and varied PE curriculum encompassing a variety of sports and activities. Equipment purchased has allowed children to access other sports that they have not previously experienced in school. Equipment bought included: Stacking cups, archery and tri-golf.

Competition data analysis.

Children to continue to access clubs and take part in competitive sports.

Cricket sessions

Increased participation amongst targeted year groups in new sports and activities.


Children engaged in healthy activities – for enjoyment, progression and exercise.

Increased fitness and motivation.

UKS2 classes and Year 1 and 2 classes enjoyed accessing the cricket provision. With using a Chance To Shine, children are signposted to clubs outside of school.

Feedback from teachers.

Lesson observations.

An increase of children entering into clubs and sustaining an interest in attending clubs throughout the year.

Focus Area Identified

Planned action

Success Criteria

Premium Allocated




Increased participation in competitive sport

Sandstone Sports Competition Partnership with Tarporley High School.

Increased pupil engagement in competitions and changing attitudes towards competing.


Children competed at a local level, with a range of children working as a team to train and take part. Children have been given a purpose for exercise and an enjoyment for competing.

Children engaging in further competitive sports. 

Children accessing competitions.

Membership of CEPD

Increased pupil engagement in competitions and changing attitudes towards competing.


Children have competed at a local level, with a range of children working as a team to train and take part. Children have had a purpose for exercise and an enjoyment for competing. This includes playing in the football and netball leagues against local schools.

Children engaging in further competitive sports. 

Children accessing competitions.

Focus Area Identified

Planned action

Success Criteria

Premium Allocated




The increase general health and wellbeing across the school. 


Increased engagement in physical activity, self-esteem and confidence. Changing attitudes towards being active.


5-a-day resources has increased whole school in-class physical activity levels. Five-minute bursts of energy and exercise throughout the school day, that complement the existing curriculum, has helped improve our pupils’ academic performance and concentration levels.

Insight data analysis

Teacher feedback

Lesson observations

Teachers and pupils will incorporate it into their daily/weekly routine and will help to improve the children’s understanding of being active and the benefits it can bring to their daily school experience.

Teach Active subscription (Maths and English)

Increased engagement and activity amongst children in the school during maths and English lessons.


This resource is used as a hook into a lesson, an ‘active’ resource to support a teaching point in class, and/or a plenary/consolidation resource.

The use of this resource has enabled learning to become ‘sticky’ and skills taught will be easier to recall and will provide a hook for the children to place their learning on.

Insight data analysis

Teacher feedback

Lesson observations

Teachers will gain insightful ideas and methods to engage their children and help them to learn in a more ‘sticky’ fashion to help retain the information.

Living Streets – Walk to School Week

To encourage children to be more active throughout the day, thinking of safe but alternative ways to get to school. To also encourage the parents to participate, making it a community event.


This year's challenge encouraged children to travel actively to school every day of the week. Meeting various magical beings along the way, they learnt about the important reasons to walk or wheel and its benefits for individuals, communities and the planet!

Children enjoyed being able to choose their mode of transport to school and it encouraged more families to take part too.

End of week charts

Teacher and student feedback

This will foster a new mindset for some students and families to be more active when taking the school run. It will also reduce the pollution levels near to the school during these drop off points across the day.

Total Allocation

(including balance brought forward form 18/19)

£18,370 + £8.86 (balance brought forward) =


Total Spend (to date)


Remaining Allocation


Swimming results for children in Year 6 for the academic Year 2023-24


How many swimmers in Year 6 can swim 25m?

93% of pupils were able to swim the national target of 25m.


How many pupils can use a range of strokes effectively?

93% of pupils were able to use a range of strokes effectively.


How many pupils can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?

100% of children were taught the theory of personal survival and were able to understand how to be safe in and around water in a range of different water-based situations.

Tarporley CE Primary, Park Road, Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 0AN

Tel: 01829 708188 | Email:

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