Student Login
School Opening Hours
The School Day
8.35 Gates Open
8.45 School Starts - Morning Registration
10.35 Morning Break
11.45 Lunchtime (FS & Key Stage 1)
12.15 Lunchtime (Key Stage 2)
13.00 Afternoon lessons begin ( FS & Key Stage 1)
13.15 Afternoon lessons begin ( Key Stage 2)
15.20 Home time
Total Hours - 6hours 35mins per day
- 32hrs 55mins per week
The School office is open between 8.30am - 4pm Monday - Friday
Treehouse Before and Afterschool Club - 7.45am - 8.45am -- 3.20pm - 6pm (they are contactable during those ours)
Collective Worship takes places ever day.
If you need to notify us of your child's absence, please do so as soon as possible (we have an answering machine if you phone out of hours). If we do not hear from you we are obliged by law to contact you.
If you have arranged for someone other than yourself to collect your child, please communicate this information to an adult in your child's class.
Would you like to visit our school from the comfort of your own home.
Join us on a virtual tour where you can walk through our beautiful school.
We hope you enjoy it.