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School Uniform
We pride ourselves on the smart appearance of our children here at Tarporley CE Primary School. The appearance of the children is something that is often commented on when we take the children out of school and by visitors to the school as our children 'Let their Light Shine.'
Our school colours are Red, White and Grey and our uniform consists of:
Red sweatshirt or cardigan bearing the school pear tree logo (strongly recommended but optional)
White or red polo shirt or school shirt
Grey or black trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore
Red gingham summer dresses (optional)
Black or red outdoor fleece bearing the school pear tree logo (optional)
Black, red or dark coloured shoes.
Trainers are not appropriate for school, however, pupils may bring a change of footwear for outside play.
PE Kits
All children should have a PE kit which is worn on the days they do PE.
Red t-shirt
Black or navy tracksuit bottoms
Black or navy leggings or shorts
School jumpers
Football kits may only be worn on non-uniform days.
Ordering Uniform
Our uniform supplier is School Style Ltd. Please note, these are the best prices we have negotiated, the school does not receive any commission from these sales:
Click here: School Style Ltd.
Choose the quantity and sizes you'd like, then add them to your basket.
Pay easily with a debit or credit card at the checkout.
Your embroidered items will be delivered in around 5 days.
If your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium funding we offer assistance with annual purchasing of uniform.
Pre Loved Shop
At the main entrance of school you can find our Pre Loved Uniform Shop. If you have any unwanted school uniform of good condition please drop off at the collection point in the front entrance. The shop is open during the school day and on set days in the summer holidays. All uniform can be collected for free with a voluntary donation of £1 per item for those who are able to. If you are unable to find an item for example a size please ask the school office. Thank you to all that donate and to our group on parents from our PTA who organise the shop and sort through donations .
School Bags
Children in Reception are given a free expandable school book bag from the PTA when they start school. We ask that all KS1 children only use this book bag due to limited storage in school. Additional bags can be purchased on the School Style Website.
KS2 children can use a bag of the same size as school book bag. Size 11" (h) x 14.5" (w) x 2.5" (d)
Name labels
The PTA have teamed up with Label Planet to offer parents the opportunity to purchase quality labels for your children’s school uniform, whilst earning the school commission at the same time! This money can then be used to continue to help purchase some of the fantastic resources that benefit our children’s learning.
As we all know, lost property is a problem in all schools and I am sure we are all familiar with our child, at some point, coming home from school with a missing item. As parents, we are aware that time is precious, which is why we think these labels are such a great idea; they simply stick onto the clothing wash label. They can even be used in shoes! Naming of clothing is a school requirement and we are hoping that with this opportunity we can start to eliminate some of parents’ frustrations that surround these issues. Click the logo below to order:
Let Your Light Shine’ (Matthew 5:16)