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Starting School at Tarporley CE 2025
This year we have one reception class to start your child's schooling journey, taught Miss Selwyn.
Reception is a special year to teach as we have the privilege of experiencing your child’s ‘firsts’, such as their first day at school, first Nativity play and first sports day. We might be the smallest people in the school but we make sure we pack a lot into our first year!
The children say:
“We love learning outside and inventing in the mud kitchen!”
“I like the play-doh table and listening to stories with my friends.”
"My favourite thing is phonics!”
At Tarporley CE Primary School, we recognise that starting school is a big step, both for your child and yourself. We are here to make the transition into Reception as smooth as possible and hope that the information on this page will answer most of your questions, helping to prepare you and your child for the big day.
You have probably spent time talking with your child about school. You can help your child feel comfortable and positive about school by discussing all the enjoyable activities they will be able to take part in and the new friends they will meet. You can also share our eBook with your child: Tarporley Primary School, Cheshire (flippingbook.com)
We like to help the children feel comfortable and confident with the school and the staff before they start as pupils in September. The EYFS staff will speak to/visit your child’s pre-school or nursery setting to find out where your child is in their learning.
EYFS curriculum at Tarporley CE:
As a church school, we approach all that we do through our Christian Values which are embedded throughout our curriculum. We follow the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and have designed a curriculum which ensures all our children are able to ‘let their light shine’ (Matthew 5:16) Our class curriculum map for the year can be found at the bottom of our class page. The whole school follows the BOOKS approach:
BRAVERY- our curriculum sets high expectations of all learners. We encourage our children to be brave, take risks and show resilience in the face of challenges. The characteristics of effective learning are embedded in our classroom as we help our children to play and explore, become active learners and think critically.
OUTWARD FACING- we learn about the world beyond our school. We encourage our children to see themselves as part of a global community which can affect change through courageous advocacy (please see the tab at the top of the page for more information).
OPPORTUNITIES- we create memories! We want the children’s time in reception to instil a life-long love of learning and make sure that new knowledge sticks. Our ambitious curriculum provides learning inside and outside of the classroom and recognises the importance of cultural capital in preparing children for life beyond school.
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING- knowledge is key. We have a progressive EYFS curriculum that ensures all children can achieve by giving them the knowledge and skills to thrive in the next stage of their learning.
SPIRITUALITY- our classroom ethos is led by our Christian values. EYFS staff nurture the whole child by developing their social, moral, cultural and spiritual well-being.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many members of staff are in the classroom?
We always have a teacher per class and a teaching assistant in the EYFS classroom. Our EYFS teacher is Miss Selwyn.
How will I know how my child is getting on?
We strongly encourage parents to be partners in their child’s education. The Tapestry program we use facilitates open communication between home and school. In addition to regular communication we hold several parents’ evening during the course of the year.
Will you visit my child’s preschool setting?
In our normal transition we do try to visit every child in their preschool or nursery setting as we would like to gain a full picture of your child before they start school.
How are the children assessed?
We use the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile to assess the children.
These assessments are recorded on a programme called Tapesty. This programme allows the teacher to upload comments, assessments, photographs, videos etc. which parents can then see at home. We view education as a partnership and encourage parents to be part of their child’s educational journey. The Tapestry program allows parents and carers to communicate directly with the class teacher and see the work their child has been doing in class.
How do you teach reading?
We use Little Wandle as our daily phonics programme to teach phonics skills. This is taught every day and delivered by the staff in the reception classroom.
My child has SEND
If your child has a special educational need or disability it is important that we as a school are aware as early as possible so that we can put additional transition arrangements in place. As an inclusive school we strive to meet the needs of all of our children. For this reason, it is vital that we have an awareness if your child has any additional requirements.
Do I need to pay for school dinners?
Currently all children in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal every day. Our school caters Edsentail, provide a choice of healthy meals each day. Further information can be found about this on the school website: https://www.tarporleyce.cheshire.sch.uk/page/school-lunches/2612
My child has allergies, what should I do?
We have several children in school who have allergies so please do not worry. When you receive your welcome pack there will be a medical form to complete where you can put all the information about your child's allergy. We have specialist school menus, so your child will still be able to have school dinners. Once your child has started school we ensure that all staff are aware of them. In the majority of circumstances children with allergies still sit with all their classmates at lunchtime and just take part in daily routines the same as everyone else. We are also an allergy aware school, so politely request that parents are mindful of this if they send any food items into school.
If your child has an epi pen or inhaler, we do ask for one to be kept at school in case of emergencies.
My child needs medication or cream; do I have to come to school to apply it?
If your child needs medication at any point when they are at school, you will be asked to complete a medical form. Once this is completed and signed, staff at school will then be able to give your child the required medication.
What happens if my child has a toilet accident in school?
If a child has a toilet accident in school, it will be dealt with as soon as we know about it. The child will be put into a clean change of clothes and we will discreetly hand you the wet clothes at the end of the day.
Do we have before and after school care?
Yes. We have both before and after school care which is called The Treehouse. The morning session runs from 07:45 until 08:45 (when school starts) and the evening sessions run from 15:20 (when school finishes) until 18:00. Please see more information here: https://www.tarporleyce.cheshire.sch.uk/page/the-treehouse-before-and-after-school-club/2613
Transition Tips
We have attached the Cheshire West and Chester guide for parents for some additional tips for starting school. Here are some wesbites you might also find useful:
Transition eBook
Please click on the link below to access the starting school eBook.
Welcome to Tarporley CE Primary School
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Join us on a virtual tour where you can walk through our beautiful school.
We hope you enjoy it.