Student Login
Parent Zone
These pages in the 'Parent Zone' of the website are designed to ensure you can keep up-to-date with what is happening in school. All letters and information sent home, will also be available in the 'Parent Zone' for you to download, should the original copy have gone astray....
Parents Help
One of our school aims is to ensure that school and home develop a successful partnership. We encourage parents to become actively involved in their child's learning in and out of school. We welcome contact with parents and value parents’ practical help in school. If there are parents who feel they would like to help in school and 'Let their Light Shine' please contact Mrs Forrester.
Parents Views
If you have a personal issue with your child you may talk to their class teacher, Key Stage Coordinator, the Deputy Head, SENCO or the Head teacher. However if it is a general point of concern or comment on something good that is happening at school you will have your chance to voice these to staff or governors at any time in the year. There will also be a Parent Questionnaire once a year, which will allow parents to give their views on the school.
Would you like to visit our school from the comfort of your own home.
Join us on a virtual tour where you can walk through our beautiful school.
We hope you enjoy it.