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Art & Design
Art and Design Curriculum
We believe in God as the great creator of all things, and since God created mankind in his own image, we believe that we all have that same seed of creativity within us. Regardless of background or vulnerability, our children are given all they need to grow, flourish and 'Let their Light shine'. We teach Art & Design through our BOOKS approach allowing our children to flourish.
What do our children think about Art?
KS1: "If you want to be an artist when you grow up you can because we started in school"
LKS2: "Art helps spark your brain, I want to do more creative stuff"
UKS2: "There are no boundaries in art, it makes you feel good to be creative"
Arts and culture inspire and excite. They enable all children to look at the world differently with awe and wonder. Our vision at Tarporley CE Primary is for every adult and child to ‘Let Your Light Shine’ and arts learning is very much part of what drive us. With our Christian values at our core, we nurture a love of learning and inspire everyone to let their light shine and to encourage our children to be the best they can be in all aspects of school life and to embrace opportunities throughout.
We believe that art is a process that involves not only learning and progressing skills and techniques, but also taking risks and experimenting. Our children have the opportunity to try new things, experiment with their ideas, express themselves and find their own sense of style. Through our BOOKS curriculum, we have developed an art curriculum to nurture children to become creative thinkers that are outward-facing and reach their full potential through the development of knowledge, self-esteem and confidence. Our aim is for children to experience a stimulating and balanced curriculum that shows progression and continuity of skills. We want our children to be able to recognise their talents as writers, artists, musicians and performers and to express themselves freely and innovatively and seek opportunities to take their learning further. A high-quality art and design education will engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invest and create their own works of art, craft and design.
Our children use all they have learnt and are inspired to make imaginative, creative and individual pieces of art. They:
are given the opportunity to experience and experiment with a wide range of media
learn and develop a variety of artistic skills and techniques
are able to understand and appreciate art, craft and design, where it comes from, who makes it and how it is made
are able to describe their own work, and the work of others, using appropriate vocabulary
make reasoned choices about the materials and techniques they will use
are able to evaluate their own work and the work of others stating their preferences and the reasoning behind them
At Tarporley CE Primary, we believe a high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. To do this we follow the National Curriculum but use the Accessart curriculum as the basis for planning our teaching and learning in art, ensuring that our children's learning of skills and techniques is progressive and builds on their prior learning and experience. Children have lessons in which they experience and learn the skills, crafts and techniques of art in the key mediums: drawing, painting and sculpture, as well as learning skills through malleable materials, collage, textiles, and printing. Children from KS1 onwards have opportunities to explore and investigate tools and techniques and to develop their skills and ideas in sketchbooks. Where possible, the stimulus for our art teaching is linked to other areas of the curriculum to make it more meaningful and to help the children deepen their learning and make cross-curricular links. Within each pathway of art, children learn about artists and crafts people, their work and their influence, some known worldwide and some lesser-known. We have carefully moulded our curriculum so children at Tarporley will know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. They will understand that art is a subjective subject; when we look at a piece of art, we will have an emotional response to it and we can learn to appreciate different forms of art and learn from the artist. We make sure we provide opportunities for our children to discuss and appreciate a range of artwork including those of their peers.
Art and Design at Tarporley CE Primary is a process that involves not only learning and progressing skills and techniques, but also taking risks and experimenting. Our children have the opportunity to try new things, experiment with their ideas, express themselves and find their own sense of style. Art is not only confined to lessons, it is also used by the children in other areas of the curriculum and embedded through whole school themed art projects, art and craft clubs and engagement with the local community through projects and local artists.
Our curriculum ensures:
High quality, purposeful lessons are planned collaboratively to include and enhance all areas of the wider curriculum
Skills and knowledge are built, developed and practiced year on year with progression evident in sketch books, wider work and displays
Children’s learning is supported by the use of a wide range of resources
Children create mixture of individual, small group and class pieces
Engagement with the local community through collaborative events and the display of children’s work in community spaces such as church and local art galleries.
Children have the opportunity to engage in the Arts Award programme.
Impact- how do we know our Art curriculum is effective?
We want children to leave Tarporley CE Primary with a knowledgeable skillset in art, the resilience to be brave and take risks with their own learning where mistakes are seen as part of life. Most importantly, we want our children to leave Tarporley CE Primary with a passion in the arts and ready to continue their journey of self-expression and creativity.
To judge whether this has been successfully achieved the following monitoring will be undertaken by the Art and Design Subject Leader:
review of the scheme of work
pupil voice every term
sketchbook looks with pupils
a variety of sketchbooks and final pieces of artwork will be photographed from each Key Stage
majority of artwork will be displayed and celebrated around the school
Teachers will discuss and review individual evidence of children’s work to ensure the expected level of achievement in art and design for each Key Stage. This will be shared with the Subject Leader.
Art and Design in EYFS is promoted as open-ended creative learning, placing emphasis on the creative journey and nurturing children to become confidence and independent creators. In order to prepare children for the art curriculum in Key Stage 1 and 2, children will be given opportunities and experiences which enable pupils to:
Build dexterity skills
Explore materials and mark making in a playful way
Use bodies and imaginations to inspire making
Explore how they can reflect and share their views about what they have seen or made
Explore how art enriches our lives
EYFS teachers will work closely with the Art Subject Leader to choose activities and experiences which fit in with theme-based learning and the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals.
Pupil Voice
Pupil voice is used to not only assess children's knowledge of what they have been taught, but to also highlight children's thought and feelings about art as a subject, their own artwork and other's.
We believe art is created to be celebrated and enjoyed. The majority of the displays in school will celebrate our children's artwork and learning.
SEND Provision in Art
Art at Tarporley CE Primary wholeheartedly centres around children being able to express themselves creatively. Regardless of background or vulnerability, our children are given all they need to grow, flourish and 'Let their Light shine'. The outcome for each pathway of art centres around an individual's response and their creativity and individual thought is encouraged and celebrated. We want to ensure every child at Tarporley can enjoy art and produce artwork they are proud of. We ensure every child learns at their own level and can progress with the support of teacher feedback in class. Sketchbooks are seen as journals where each individual can show their development, explore and practise different techniques and materials and most importantly, express themselves. We ensure that teaching is sensitively adapted and processes are transformed for every child to explore their creative potential.
Sketchbooks are used to explore ideas, practise techniques and for children to record their unique responses and express their creativity. Sketchbooks start in Year 1 and are passed on from year to year. We believe they showcase a substantial measure of progress as each child's sketchbook acts a visual journal showing clear skill and knowledge development.
Subject Leader: Miss Jones