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Your Child's Progress and Development
Parents and Teachers
The relationship between school and parents is extremely important, as education needs to be a partnership to be successful. Parents are very welcome to visit the school to see what is going on and to discuss their child’s progress. Teachers are available for a quick chat after school every day but if you have any concerns please make an appointment to see the class teacher.
There are formal opportunities throughout the year for parents to meet with their child’s class teacher.
Progress Meetings
In the Autumn Term parents are invited to meet the new class teacher at an introductory evening early in the term. This is followed by formal progress meetings. In the Spring Term parents are invited to a formal progress meetings with appointments with the class teacher. In the Summer Term parents are given the opportunity to discuss their child's progress report at a meeting with their class teacher.
Progress Reports
A verbal progress report will be shared in the autumn and spring term progress meetings. Additional verbal progress reports can be discussed with class teachers throughout the year by making an appointment.
In July you will receive an individual report on your child’s attainment and progress.
Standard Assessment Tasks (SATs)
All of our children are assessed by their teachers throughout the school year to ensure that they are making progress, which is shared at progress meetings. However, all schools are required to undertake some national assessments.
Children in Y1 complete a national phonics-screening check with their teacher in the summer term. Some children will take this again in Y2.
Government standard assessments(SATs) are undertaken by children at the end of Y2 and Y6. Currently, in Y6 these take the form of a formal test in Reading, Maths and Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation (SPAG). The levels your child has achieved at the end of Y2 and Y6 will be reported to you at the end of the summer term.
A summary of the school’s results are included on this website.
Please see the communication flowchart below if you have a query and are unsure who you should talk to.
Let Your Light Shine’ (Matthew 5:16)