Goshawk (Yr5/6) 2023 - 2024

Mr Bonner

Welcome to Goshawk Class!



 bird quote.jpgbird let yoiur light shine.jpg








Our class teacher is Mr Bonner and our teaching assistant is Mrs O'Dwyer and Mrs Casson.


Here at Tarporley CE Primary, we encourage our children to: 

Let your light shine Matthew 5:16 Kids Bible Verse Poster image 1


As a Church School, we approach all that we do through our Christian Values which are embedded throughout our curriculum. They are…

Joy, Celebration, Hope, Friendship, Forgiveness, Love, Trust


At Tarporley, our hope is that all our children flourish so they can live life in all its fullness. John 10:10BOOKS APPROACH JPEG.jpg

In order that all learners grow and reach their full potential, we want our curriculum to:

Demonstrate BRAVERY


Create memorable OPPORTUNITIES



…while always having high-quality BOOKS and reading at the heart of our teaching and learning!



Curriculum Information for UKS2

Curriculum Information - 

The information below outlines the topics that are covered in UKS2 during the spring term. If you wish to support your child explore some of these topics then please encourage them to borrow books from the library, find and read articles relating to the topics or visit local museums and places of interest. The children will hopefully enjoy these topics and will return home to share the information they have learnt with their parents. 

Please see below an outline of what we will be covering during the Autumn term 2023..





Summer I term - this term we will be studying:


English: 'Shackleton's Journey' by William Grill

Class text - 

Pathways to Read - The Last Wild


Maths: Poistion and direction, reflection & translation.


Religious Education: Christianity  – What can we learn from Christian religious buildings and music?


SRE (No Outsiders) - The Thing.


Geography focus: Why do oceans matter?


Science: Earth and Space.

Animals including humans – human development


Art and Design: Architecture: Dream big or small?


PE: Archery and athletics


Computing: Spreadsheets


Design and technology: Textiles


Languages: French


Music:  Music and Me


Trips: Year 5 - Art Expo at the high school







The key skill of communication includes skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Skills in speaking and listening include the ability to speak effectively for different audiences; to listen, understand and respond appropriately to others; and to participate effectively in group discussion. Skills in reading include the ability to read fluently and analyse a range of literary and non-fiction texts and to reflect critically on what is read. When writing, children should write fluently for a range of purposes and audiences and be able to edit and improve their own and others' writing. Opportunities for developing this key skill are provided through focused English lessons but also constantly through pupils' use of language across all areas of the curriculum.  Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, often referred to as SPAG, is taught explicitly as well as being embedded into lessons.

As a school we now follow the Pathways to Read and Pathways to Write programmes on a 2 year rolling programme.

Please visit the English Tab (http://www.tarporleyce.cheshire.sch.uk/page/english/87957) above for more details about the expectations for Year 5 and 6 in writing, together with resources for you to assist with your child's English work at home. 



Maths skills include developing a range of mental and written calculation methods and the ability to apply these to problem solving activities. Children should understand and use mathematical language related to numbers and calculations. They will learn to solve increasingly complex problems and clearly explain the reasoning used. Pupils need to be able to apply calculation skills and the understanding of number to problems in other subjects and to real-life situations. Opportunities for developing this key skill are constantly provided in focused maths lessons and where possible, are linked to topic work.


When in school...

Physical Education

There are 2 PE lessons each week when in school. Please come to school in your PE kit on a Monday and Friday. Please ensure children are not wearing earrings/can take them out on P.E. days and that hair is tied back.

Homework - New Optional Homework Menu for Summer will be available to download soon!!!!

UKS2 will be given homework every week.  Homework is given out on a Friday and collected the following Wednesday.  It will consist of reading comprehension, SPAG and maths. Spellings are tested on a Monday in school and new spellings are then given out and the children have a full week to learn them before the following Monday. Practising reading remains very important whether it is with an adult or independently. Children should aim to read daily/as often as possible and it is valuable to ask them questions – particularly inferential - about what they have read. All reading should be recorded in their homework diary. Homework diaries will be checked when your child has their guided reading session and house points awarded for home reading.

Recommended list of Books for KS2 childrenhttps://schoolreadinglist.co.uk/category/reading-lists-for-ks2-school-pupils/ 


Goshawk Class have recently enjoyed World Book Day and showed their love for reading - we had a fantastic day dressing up and having fun!




During the autumn term, our PE  days will be Monday and Friday.

Please come to school in your school PE kit.


Meet the Teacher Class Talk Year 5 & 6 - 

The Class Information Booklet, powerpoint, Class Charter and Optional Homework Menu will be available to download after this session - Please see attachments below.


Our Christian Value is Friendship. Following our Class Charter will mean that no one is left out and that everyone is a friend.

We hope you find our class pages useful. If you wish to discuss any matters further, please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office. 


Files to Download

Goshawk (Yr5/6): News items

Uniform Policy, by Miss Primary

Summer Reading Challenge, by Miss Primary

Last Week of Term Events, by Miss Primary

Goshawk (Yr5/6): Calendar items

Tarporley CE Primary, Park Road, Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 0AN

Tel: 01829 708188 | Email: admin@tarporleyce.cheshire.sch.uk

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