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SIAMS - Church School Inspections
Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools
As a Church of England school we are subject to a SIAMS inspection as well as an Ofsted Inspection. The SIAMS inspection takes place every 5years.
SIAMS inspection addresses the following question: How effective is the school’s distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?
This inspection is an opportunity for our school community to shown how our vision is lived allowing all in our school to flourish as they 'LET THEIR LIGHTS SHINE' through our school values of Love, Friendship, Hope, Trust, Forgiveness, Joy & Celebration and our BOOKS curriculum approach of:
Demonstrating BRAVERY
Creating memorable OPPORTUNITIES
Our school vision to ‘Let your Light Shine’ (Matthew 5:16) is our main aim for our children and this vision is at the core of everything we do and be behind every decision we make and is integrated into our curriculum through our BOOKS approach (Bravery, Outward Facing, Opportunities, Knowledge & Skills and Spirituality.) Our vision is a window into our school. Jesus said we are the light of the world and as a school we love and nurture the light in everyone so it can shine brightly and enable all those in our school family to be the best they can be, sharing their good deeds and Glorifying God. The inspiration for this was taken from the first part of the Sermon on the Mount. We believe this sermon encapsulates all our Christians Values we hold dear at Tarporley CE (Church of England) Primary School – Hope, Love, Friendship, Forgiveness, Joy and Celebration
In March 2023 our school was graded as an Excellent Church School
Tarporley is an excellent church school, living out its distinctly Christian vision in every way. All members of the school community are empowered to ‘let their light shine’
The school’s distinctive Christian vision ‘let your light shine’ is the heartbeat and driving force of all action and policy. Dynamic leadership ensures the vision is shared and promoted by all, and through all, and transforms lives.
The school’s Christian vision inspires governors and leaders. Governors are highly ambitious for all members of the school community. Pupils and adults are known, understood and nurtured, ensuring that everyone is valued and included. This ensures that everyone is supported.
Pupils and adults benefit from high quality worship which is invitational, inclusive and integral to school life. Carefully planned and evaluated, it entirely encapsulates the school’s ethos and vision. It is a joyous event which celebrates pupils' personal and spiritual development, through reflection and prayer.
An innovative and inspiring curriculum meets the needs of the whole child, socially, morally, spiritually and academically. This secures excellent outcomes for pupils, including the most vulnerable. It supports and develops extremely firm foundations, which prepares pupils well for their next steps.
Pupils value, enjoy and are inspired by religious education (RE). They actively explore different faiths, and are empowered to ask big questions and take risks in a safe and secure environment. RE is exceptionally well-led.
‘Let Your Light Shine’ (Matthew 5:16)
Take a look around our wonderful school 3D Virtual tour