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Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium
As a school we receive additional funding for our 'Pupil Premium' children to enable them to 'Let their Lights Shine' This money we receive is based on the numbers of pupils in the school who are eligible for Free School Meals [FSM] within the last 6 years.
This money is allocated to initiatives to ensure pupils 'Let their Light Shine' and reach their full potential, both academically and socially.
In order that all of our learners grow and reach their full potential, we have a curriculum that:
Demonstrate BRAVERY
Create memorable OPPORTUNITIES
…while always having high-quality BOOKS and reading at the heart of our teaching and learning!
As stated on the DFE website:
As in previous years, continue to use the pupil premium to improve the attainment of your disadvantaged pupils. The disproportionately high impact of COVID-19 on the education of disadvantaged pupils makes this more important than ever.
Free School Meals & Pupil Premium
If your child does not have Free School Meals, but may be eligible because of your family’s income level, please contact the office [in confidence] to register them. Even if you do not wish them to have meals, this would mean the school could still claim Pupil Premium Funding that may be used to help your child.
Pupils in receipt of pupil premium at Tarporley CE Primary School are carefully monitored to ensure they make progress and 'Let their Light Shine' in comparison to their peers; both within their classroom, across the year group and nationally.
School attainment data shows pupils are embracing opportunities and making progress. However, in certain cases, additional intervention is provided if school feels progress is below national average.
Pupil premium children also benefit from extra curricular activities provided by school and outside agencies. These opportunities ensure pupils benefit from the wider aspect of school life.
Please find full 3 year strategy and update below.
‘Let Your Light Shine’ (Matthew 5:16)