Student Login
All pupils in the school have been registered on the maths website This should help you structure your maths work, letting your light shine and enable parents to see how you are progressing.
To get to the materials you first need to log on to the site. Go to and login at the top of the homepage.
Our school login is tarporleyps
Our school password is square
Each of the lessons in the library has an Online Homework. You will be directed to do these tasks by your teacher. On the next page you should enter your private login and password in the 'My Portal' box.
If you have been set a task by your teacher the task will appear under MyTasks. You must complete both pages of the Online Homework for the scores to be saved to the database. Other activities may also appear under MyActivities. If no lessons are appearing then you have Pop-up blocker installed. You must allow this website to use pop-ups.
Log in here: MyMaths