Squirrels (Yr1/2) 2024 - 2025
Miss Jones
Welcome to Squirrels' Class
Welcome to Squirrels' class where we are all
"a child of God, wonderfully made, dearly loved and precious in his sight." Psalm 139
We chose this Psalm to remind us that we are all special to God and together we can
'Let Our Light Shine' (Matthew 5:16).
In Squirrels we enjoy learning, always try our best and never give up!
Our teacher is Miss Jones
We hope you have had a lovely summer break and we are so excited to welcome your children back to school!
Below you will find information about our school day and our curriculum.
Our school day starts at 8:40am and home time is at 3:20pm.
PE days are Tuesday and Friday- please come to school dressed in your PE kit on these days.
Super Squirrels start here!
‘Let Your Light Shine’ (Matthew 5:16)
Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Our School Christian Values
- Love
- Hope
- Friendship
- Trust
- Forgiveness
- Joy and celebration
This term our Christian Value is:
Love and Hope
At Tarporley we follow a B.O.O.K.S approach for part of our spiritual guidance and personal development.
We want to be/have:
Knowledge and skills
Through our curriculum we aim to inspire children with these attributes and always look for moments in our day where we can be BRAVE and OUTWARD-FACING, look for new OPPORTUNITIES, build on our KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS, and take time to focus on our SPIRTUALITY.
We are a mixed year 1 and 2 class. We will study the Key Stage 1 National Curriculum and Miss Jones will adapt the learning expectations to individuals' needs and age to make sure everyone's light shines brightly.
Miss Jones will write a blog about our learning at least twice every half term (see the tab at the top - Squirrels' blog.) and will put something class-based on Twitter once a week.
Our Term
Welcome to our termly update. Here you will find information about the themes and topics your children will be learning over this half term.
Here is our y1/2 curriculum. Our super Squirrels are focusing on love and hope as our school value priority.
Our topic this half term is making history
Year 1:
spring 1 2025
Religious Education: Christianity
Why is the Bible a special book for Christians?
English: Please do not read the books ahead of time as we enjoy discovering them together!
The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward
Focus: clear finger spaces between words, use capital letters for names and the start of sentences and full stops at the end of ideas.
: start using ? !
: become confident correcting their own writing with verbal/written support from the teacher
Maths: number
place value to 20
addition and subtraction within 20
Science: Living things and their habitats
simple food chains
animals' habitats
History: How did we learn to fly?
Computing: coding
Music: sound patterns
Ard & Design: simple printmaking
Year 2:
spring 1 2025
Religious Education: Christianity
Why is the Bible a special book for Christians?
English: Please do not read the books ahead of time as we enjoy discovering them together!
The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward
Focus: understand and write: statements, questions, exclamations and commands- with its correct punctuation
: confidently and accurately use 'because' and start to use 'when'
: use past and present tenses accurately
Maths: number
addition & subtraction
multiplication & division
Science: Living things and their habitats
simple food chains
animals' habitats
History: How did we learn to fly?
Computing: coding
Music: sound patterns
Ard & Design: simple printmaking
See below: useful documents to help you support your child with their learning.
Files to Download
Squirrels (Yr1/2): News items
Wake Up Wednesday - Fake News, by Mrs Forrester
PTA Mothers Day Shop, by Miss Primary
PTA Disco Letter, by Miss Primary