End of KS1 Assessment (SATs)
End of KS1 Assessment
National Curriculum
Year 2 is a very important and busy final year in Key Stage 1. We continue to add to and build upon the progress that the children have made in Reception and Year 1 and we help prepare the children for life in Key Stage 2.
In November, we will also be delivering the Phonics Screen that children missed in the Summer term.
Reading - by the end of Y2 most children are expected to:
- Apply phonic knowledge and skills to read words accurately
- Read accuractely, quickly and fluently
- Read words containing common suffixes e.g. -ed, -er
- Read aloud accurately books that are consistent with their phonic knowledge
- Develop pleasure in reading
- Discuss books that are read to them and explain their understanding
- Re-tell a wide range of stories
- Check that the text makes sense
- Answer and ask questions
- Predict what might happen next
Writing - by the end of Y2 most children are expected to:
- Write about personal experiences and those of others
- Write about real events, poetry and for different purposes
- Re-read to check their writing makes sense, spellings, grammar and punctuation
- Use when, if, that, because, or, and, but in sentences
- Add description e.g. the blue butterfly
- Consistent use of past tense and present tense
- Capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, apostrophes
Spelling - by the end of Y2 most children are expected to:
- Apply phonic knowledge and skills to spell words accurately
- Segment words
- Spell words that sound the same but have different meanings e.g. hear, here, some, sum
- Learn the possessive apostrophe e.g the girl's book
- Add suffixes e.g. adding - ment, -ness, -ful, -less, -ly
Handwriting - by the end of Y2 most children are expected to:
- Form lower case letters of the correct size
- Start to use strokes needed to join letters
- Write capital letters and digits of the correct size
Maths - by the end of Y2 most children are expected to:
- Count in steps of 2, 3, 5 and tens
- Compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100
- Read and write numbers to at laest 100 in numerals and words
- Recognise the value of each digit in a two digit number (tens, ones)
- Solve problems with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
- Use addition and subtraction facts up to 20 fluently and use facts up to 100
- Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, including odd and even numbers
- Multiply and divide
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to ask.