Week Ending 16/06/23
Date: 14th Jun 2023 @ 12:51pm
Happy Friday! What a fabulous, sunny we have had! Reception had an amazing day at the farm on Tuesday. They were exceptionally well behaved and had so many opportunities to learn about life cycles and and the farm.
Dates for the diary this half term:
Monday 19th June- Friday 16th June- Children are allowed to come in Sports Kit each day for National School Sports Week. We will be doing lots of active learning throughout the week. Please check your emails for the link to donate or bring £1 in on Monday.
Friday 30th June - International Mud Day celebrations- messy clothes needed! Please see below for more information.
Tuesday 4th July - 3:30-4pm Meet the Year 1 Teacher. An opportunity for parents to meet the Year 1 staff and see the classroom.
Thursday 6th July- Reception (plus the whole school!) have been invited down to the community centre to watch Year 6 do their dress rehearsal for their show! If you are available to help us walk down and back we would appreciate it. However, Year 6 ask that you don’t stay and spoil the surprise! If a group of kind parents could walk us down for 1:15pm, have a lovely coffee and walk us back we would be very grateful!
Thursday 13th July- This time Year 6 are coming to watch our End of Year Show dress rehearsal! Again, we would be very grateful for walkers down to the Baptist Methodist Church in the morning and then back again. A coffee in the middle again as we don’t want to spoil the show for you! Thank you.
Friday 14th July – Reports sent out
Monday 17th July – End of Year Show at the Baptist Methodist Church. If you are available to help either class walk down then let the class teacher know please.
Hedgehogs – 9:15am Dormice – 10:00am (or as close to as possible)
Thursday 20th July – PTA BBQ (Come and join us on the playground after school for our annual BBQ to celebrate your child's wonderful first year of school!)
International Mud Day – Mud, Glorious Mud!
On Friday 30th June, we will be celebrating the annual event that is International Mud Day. In the afternoon, children are given the opportunity to wallow in mud, cake themselves in clay, indulge in some body painting and squish gloop to their hearts content. We believe that Mud Day gives children the opportunity to connect with nature and show them how amazing and brilliant mud can be, and the range of ways it can be used and enjoyed. Whether that’s squelching, splatting, splashing, stirring, scooping, sprinkling or stamping, playing in mud is one of the best parts of being 5! The children need to wear messy clothes that you don’t mind getting muddy/may need throwing away. Please bring a towel and a spare change of clothes for them to get dressed into warmer attire at the end of the day.
Talking Point
This week we visited Park Hall Farm! We had lots of fun learning all about life on the farm, the lifecycles of animals and how to care for them. We have also had our very our eggs arrive in Reception! Hopefully they will be hatching next week. As this week’s talking point, what can your child tell you about the lifecycle of a chicken? Can they remember how a little chick is able to get out of the shell? (They have a special trick!)
Little Wandle (Phonics)
This term we continue our Phase 4 phonics journey! The children do not learn any new phonemes or graphemes. Instead, they are taught to further manipulate the phonemes and graphemes they have already learnt. They will begin to explore more polysyllabic words (words containing more than one syllable) and read and spell words containing adjacent consonants. E.g. string, milk, brush, scoop etc. Phase 4 requires the children to blend an increasing number of sounds together.
This week we have had explored words of varying sizes from CCV to CCCVC. Although the shorter words may appear easier, many children elongate the final sound which means they write cleeyer rather than clear. Encourage your child to blend (when reading) and segment (when writing) using pure sounds. There is more information here: For parents - Letters and Sounds (littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk)
Thank you for the amazing, extreme read pictures. Every child who shared one with the class will receive a red sticker. What brilliant ways to read!
In Maths, we learnt how to share numbers into two equal groups, and those that can be shared equally are even and those that aren’t are odd. We created odd and even monster pictures and played games with the numicon. We talked about odd and even number houses and how they are usually on oppositite sides of the road. The children were great at remembering their house number and deciding whether it is odd or even. This is a great game to play as you walk home or to the park. Ask your child “What is that house number? What is the next number? Can you count on to the next ten from that number? Is that number odd or even?” Don’t forget to upload your conversation to Tapestry!
On Monday, we started our new week of farm poetry. We shared lots of examples and created some rhymes as a group.
On Tuesday, we had the best day at Park Hall Farm! We enjoyed meeting lots of different animals, having a ride on a tractor and playing on the equipment.
On Wednesday, we shared to story of ‘Rosie’s Walk’. The children loved this story and the fox’s journey across the farm. The children came up with lots of rhyming words for the animals from the story.
On Thursday, we finished our reading practice sessions and went to the school library. Now we have been going all year, the children are started to swap books and make recommendations to each other. What a lovely group of bookworms we have!
On Friday, we enjoyed a very sporty day, squeezing in PE on the MUGA and an End of Year Show practice. In the afternoon we learnt about the lifecycle of a chicken in preparation for the arrival of our very our eggs!
Congratulations to our Stars of the Week, Harry and Isaac!
Please be aware that celebration assembly is now 9:30am!
Our mystery readers this week were Eva (Vadym's sponsor) and Bea's Mum.
Thank you for coming to share your story with us!
Please speak to your child’s class teacher to put a date in the diary if you would like to be mystery reader. We don’t have many weeks left until the end of year!
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Nicholas and Miss Selwyn