Week Ending 12/05/23
Date: 12th May 2023 @ 1:50pm
Happy Friday! This week we have started our new story ‘Gigantosaurus’. The children were very excited to find some dinosaur eggs in the classroom and had lots of fun discussing the new arrivals. We have only read the first couple of pages of the story but talked a lot about the habitats and features of dinosaurs. Miss Nicholas tried not to be offended when one child suggested dinosaurs lived in the 1980’s!
Dates for the diary this half term:
Friday 19th May – Christian Aid Dress Down Day – children to come in own clothes.
Tuesday 23rd May - Class Photos - Children to come in their smartest uniform please including a jumper/cardigan.
Wednesday 24th May – EYFS Sports Day 9am (weather permitting). We ask that your child come to school in either a yellow, red, blue or green top, this is dependent on which coloured house your child is in.
Beeston – RED
Cholmondeley – BLUE
Peckforton – GREEN
Chester – YELLOW
Normal PE shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms and trainers to be worn with your coloured top.
Talking Point
Next week is Mental Health Awareness Week. We will be talking with the children about ways to look after their mental health as well as their physical health. You could create a ‘wellbeing box’ at home by placing things that make them happy in a decorated box. Talk to your child about what makes them happy and how they look after their wellbeing.
Little Wandle (Phonics)
This term we move onto Phase 4 in our phonics journey! The children do not learn any new phonemes or graphemes. Instead, they are taught to further manipulate the phonemes and graphemes they have already learnt. They will begin to explore more polysyllabic words (words containing more than one syllable) and read and spell words containing adjacent consonants. E.g. string, milk, brush, scoop etc. Phase 4 requires the children to blend an increasing number of sounds together. These words are often referred to in relation to how many vowels and consonants they contain.
E.g. CVC words (consonant / vowel / consonant) such as sad, net, him.
This week we have been focusing on longer words such as handstand, script, blossom, blanket and children. We have also learnt the tricky words there, when, what and one.
As always, please see the downloadable attachment below to practise the phase 4 words and tricky words we have been learning this week.
Reminder: Please can you continue to record each time you read with your child so we can see when their reading for pleasure book needs changing. Thank you.
In Maths, we enjoyed ‘Double Trouble!’ We learnt that doubling means having two groups of equal amounts that are added together. The children practised a doubling song and made doubles butterflies!
On Tuesday, we found a big surprise when we came into the classroom after the weekend… a nest of eggs! We found out that they were dinosaur eggs and that our new story is ‘Gigantosaurus’.
On Wednesday, we learnt about the story of Pentecost with ‘Jack the Dog’. We talked about the Holy Spirit and how it is always with you.
On Thursday, we pretended to be the dinosaur’s mummies and wrote them warnings about Gingantosaurus.
On Friday, we practised some of the races the children will be taking part on Sports Day (May 24th). The children have really cracked the relay race now! We also treated our buddies to little packets of sweets after their hard week doing SATs papers. In the afternoon, we talked about the volcanoes in our ‘Gingantosaurus’ story and held our own eruption!
Please be aware that celebration assembly is now 9:30am! Unfortunately, due to the extra Bank Holiday, there was no Stars of the Week this Friday but there will be a double star in each class next week.
Our mystery readers this week were CJ's Mum and Chloe’s Dad. Thank you for coming to share your story with us!
Please speak to your child’s class teacher to put a date in the diary if you would like to be mystery reader. We don’t have many weeks left until the end of year!
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Nicholas and Miss Selwyn