Week Ending 7/07/23
Date: 4th Jul 2023 @ 8:14pm
Happy Friday! Yet another week has flown by and the children are continuing to let their light shine in all that they do. They never fail to make us say ‘WOW’. Thank you to those who were able to come to the Meet the Teacher event after school this week. Mrs Harrison and Miss Jones are excited to meet their Remarkable Rabbits and Super Squirrels next Tuesday when they have their transition afternoon. Though we are clinging onto the last magical moments we have together, we will be continuing to do lots of transition activities to support getting your child ready for the next chapter in their school journey. Please read below for further details.
Transition to Year 1 – Monday 10th July
From Monday, Reception children will no longer use the community entrance to enter school in the morning. As they will do in Year 1, children will be able to enter school in the mornings through the green side gate to the right of the main school entrance or the Poppy Mount car park gate. There will be school staff on the gate in the morning (usually the office staff, Mr Martin, Mrs Forrester or KS2 staff) but EYFS and KS1 staff will meet the children at these gates for the first few days. They will then walk around to the front playground outside of their doors and wait until an EYFS staff member can let them inside. This is to ensure a smoother transition and get them into the habit for their move to Year 1 in September. Messages must be given to office staff on the gate or emailed to the school office, (admin@tarporleyce.cheshire.sch.uk) thank you. The children are more than ready for the challenge of Year 1 and we can’t wait to watch them let their light shine in Key Stage 1!
There will be no EYFS members of staff at the Community Entrance from this day.
Dates for the Diary:
Monday 10th July – children to enter school using the side gate or Poppy Mount car park gate.
Thursday 13th July- This time Year 6 are coming to watch our End of Year Show dress rehearsal! Again, we would be very grateful for walkers down to the Baptist Methodist Church in the morning and then back again. A coffee in the middle again as we don’t want to spoil the show for you! Thank you.
Friday 14th July – Wimbledon Day! We will be celebrating Wimbledon by playing tennis, learning about tennis stars and eating strawberries and cream! Wear PE kits as normal but white is encouraged or a tennis outfit if you already own one.
Monday 17th July – End of Year Show at the Baptist Methodist Church. If you are available to help either class walk down then let the class teacher know please.
Hedgehogs – 9:15am Dormice – 10:00am (or as close to as possible)
Thursday 20th July – PTA BBQ (Come and join us on the playground after school for our annual BBQ to celebrate your child's wonderful first year of school!)
Talking Point – Moving on Up.
Our little Dormice and Hedgehogs are growing up before our very eyes! Over the next two weeks we will be completing lots of activities for them to become familiar with their new classroom, teacher and routines. It is normal for them to feel nervous, curious or even excited but rest assured we will be on hand to support them every step of the way. One way in which you can support this smooth transition is to talk positively about the move to Year 1, rather than what will change. “It’ll be exciting to learn about new things, won’t it?” or “you’ll make lots of new friends in Year 1”. Keep it light to alleviate any worries about the change. This week our big question is ‘What is one thing you’d like to learn about in Year 1?” We look forward to hearing their answers!
Little Wandle (Phonics)
This term we continue our Phase 4 phonics journey! The children do not learn any new phonemes or graphemes. Instead, they are taught to further manipulate the phonemes and graphemes they have already learnt. They will begin to explore more polysyllabic words (words containing more than one syllable) and read and spell words containing adjacent consonants. E.g. string, milk, brush, scoop etc. Phase 4 requires the children to blend an increasing number of sounds together.
This week we have had been thinking about suffixes such as -er and -est. It is important that the children learn to chunk the word to read and spell for example, b/r/igh/t/er or g/r/ee/n/est When blending words with -est sometimes we say them as /ist/. These will be further consolidated in Year 1. The children have been taught that these are called suffixes and we add them to ‘root’ words. They have really enjoyed identifying the root word which have significantly supported their spelling of these longer words ensuring they are not missing out any sounds.
In Maths, we have been learning about measurement, particularly focussing on capacity. We read then story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and made porridge for the bears. We measured the right amount of oats for Daddy, Mummy and baby bear using their different sized bowls. We have been learning the terminology ‘full, part-full and empty to compare different volumes and capacities. You may want to replicate some capacity activities by using different containers with sand or water.
On Monday, we read our story ‘The Sea Saw’ where the bear continues his journey with the help of the Sea to get back home. We then worked together to take on the role of the bear and sorted adjectives to describe how the bear would feel and how he looked by playing ‘Role on the Wall’.
On Tuesday, we recalled some of the new adjectives we had learnt to write a speech bubble about what the bear might say about how he feels.
On Wednesday, we read to the final page of the story and made a prediction. We then got to meet the old lady (the teachers!) and ask questions about her thoughts and memories of her teddy bear. We then wrote speech bubbles from our circle time discussion.
On Thursday afternoon, we had a special treat and went to see our buddies dress rehearsal of their Year 6 play. We thought they were budding actors and actresses in the making!
On Friday, we practised the routes the children will take when they come to school on Monday (either the side gate or via Poppy Lane car park). We were finally able to celebrate International Mud Day. The children had such an amazing day and I think a bath/shower is definitely in order tonight! Pictures to follow on Tapestry.
Congratulations to our Stars of the Week, Bea and Grace!
It was MUD DAY so we had no Mystery Readers this week!
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Selwyn and Miss Nicholas