Week Ending 03/03/23
Date: 1st Mar 2023 @ 8:31pm
Happy Friday! We have really enjoyed welcoming the children back to school this week. They had so much to tell us about their exciting half term breaks that we had a very long Show and Tell on Monday! This is a short but busy half term so please see the key dates below for EYFS and look out for emails from the school office. This week has been all about books! Ion Monday afternoon, we took part in a World Book Day workshop led by a West End drama group. We told the story of The Enormous Crocodile through dance and drama. We also enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day, the costumes were amazing! We shared our favourite stories and had fun with our friends talking about out favourite characters. Please look out for your World Book Day voucher in your child's book bag.
Spring Term Dates
- Tuesday 21st March- Imagine That Trip
- Wednesday 22nd March – Stay and Play from 2:30pm. The theme will be maths so there will be lots of number activities for you to enjoy with your child.
- Tuesday 28th March – Hedgehogs class assembly (9am) Dormice class assembly (9:30am)
Talking Point
From this week, we will be including a ‘talking point’ in our weekly blog. This will be a picture or subject that we have covered in our collective worship during the week and you may wish to discuss as a family at home. This week’s talking point is “What one thing would change the world for the better?”
Little Wandle (Phonics)
This week we have been revising the digraphs we learnt last half term such as AI, EE, IGH, OA, OR, UR and OO. Thank you to all the families who returned their book on time this week, it was nearly a 100% success rate. We are so grateful for the care taken over our new books, we want to ensure the children learn to take good care of them too. When reading with your child encourage them to turn the pages themselves and hold the book carefully, thank you.
Kinetic Letters
Kinetic Letters is the first thing we do each morning as the children come into school. We focus on teaching the children letter formation and aim that it becomes automatic as soon as possible. Please can you ensure that your child is in school by 8:45am so they are not missing out on this important lesson. You can continue to develop your child’s fine motor skills at home by using playdough, spending time colouring using their three friends hold and picking up small objects with their holding fingers or tweezers.
In Maths, we thought about ordering numbers to and from 10 and how to find one more and less. We explored the pattern of numbers as they become one more and the same for one less. The children used the cuisinaire rods to explain this and problem solved to order the rods from 1-10. We also explored number lines and how these can help us count on and back to find the answer. You could carry on this learning at home using the following challenge: Incey Wincey (maths.org) , if you do then please take a photo/write down their quote and upload to Tapestry!
On Monday, we started our first week long poetry unit of the year using the book ‘Mad About Minibeasts’. The children went on a bug hunt outside in our grounds. They managed to find worms, woodlice, centipedes and spiders. Some children even filled our ‘curiosity cube’ with creatures and brought them inside for everyone to enjoy. Miss Nicholas thought she was in a Bushtucker trial for a minute!
On Tuesday, we thought about how insects move and acted out some of the poems. We saw some great acting skills as the children had to guess what bugs we were being without using any words.
On Wednesday, wrote our own class poems! We played ‘Silly Soup’ to give us some inspiration to write the poems and worked in teams to record our ideas.
On Thursday, we wrote our descriptions of the insects we have learnt about this week. We also practised our class assembly in the afternoon. Some children have lines to learn in their bags so please ask them if they are a narrator!
On Friday, we explored the signs of spring that are beginning to appear all around us. We looked at the flowers such as daffodils and snowdrops, put our potatoes in the window so they will be ready to plant soon and found some frogspawn in the pond! Spring is definitely coming!
Well done to our Stars of the Week, Cole and Nancy-May.
Our mystery readers this week were CJ's Mum and Emily and Gracie’s Mum. Thank you for coming to share a story with us!