Rabbits Blog 11

Date: 14th Dec 2023 @ 6:55pm

Thursday 14th December

I don't know where to start, it has been such a glorious week!

Our Hayrack Farm Christmas Trip

Rabbits are so lucky to have so many school trips each year! Certainly in my last school a Christmas trip was unheard of. Shame because the 2 I have been on since teaching in Tarporley have been wonderous! We arrived early for our coach and slightly early for the opening of Hayrack (I think Santa was behind schedule) and were ready and very willing to get going with our Santa letter, our Christmas tree decorating and then visit the great man himself. He was fab! The children looked as if they were experiencing true magic. We then went to feed the animals which was an exercise in life skills- dodging the escapee hen, staring down the goats, patiently waiting to stroke the donkeys and giggle at the pigs (with an errant hen on its back). As is customary on any school trip, the 'is it lunchtime yet?' question started about 10.30 but when we did finally get to it, they sat and ate beautifully. We then had plenty of time to explore the play areas. I loved watching a few children who initially were reluctant to climb on certain pieces of equipment who within 30mins were virtually running up and over it! The staff were very complimentary about the children's behaviour and manners. Golden Book here we come, Rabbits! Thank you to the lovely Mummy helpers who proved completely invaluable on the day as usual. 


Our Nativity

How proud are we! Didn't they do well? After our rowsing circle time in the afternoon talking about how we feel (nervous, scared, really scared, excited, very very excited), they managed any stage fright amazingly well and looked like they were thoroughly enjoying it. Mrs Line said that there was a perfect balance of sentiment, humour and joy. I hope so. I was certainly bursting with pride that they had not only pulled it off but revelled in it. Next stop, class assembly!  Thank you for bringing back the costumes today so we can sort, wash and store.


Doubles Wipeout

A fab game for you to play at home. 

You will need 1 dice, a bit of paper and a pencil.

  1. Make a tic-tac-toe/Noughts and Crosses board for each player
  2. Take it in turns to roll the dice. Whatever number you roll, double it and write it in one of your squares.
  3. Keep going until all players have filled all the 9 boxes. (Whatever you roll and double, write it in even if you end up with 3 squares of one number)
  4. Now take it in turns to repeat the rolling and doubling but this time you can 'wipe out' if your double appears on your board.(only wipe out one number at a time even if you have multiples of that number.) If it doesn't appear, you can't go.
  5. Continue until the first person has wiped them all out. You can keep going until everyone is finished or start a new game.
  • Expect them to know the doubles 1-6.
  • Start asking them- What number do you need to roll to wipe the numbers you have left? (3 and 4 and 1. I know this because double 3 is 6 and I have a 6 here...)
  • variation: number bonds to 10. Instead of doubling the number, write down its number bond eg roll a 6, write down 4, roll a 1, write down 9.
  • If you can't find a dice, get strips of paper and put them into a jar/hat to keep pulling out.

Business As Usual

Although expectation is a little lighter this week, our learning timetable remains and will do until Wednesday afternoon. I will keep the routine in order to help them deal with the fever of the time of year. Today we did : phonics, reading, maths mastery, library, maths, RE and some choosing. We just about managed half of the show and tells, collective worship, story and Ray of the day. There is such a lovely feeling in the class at the moment even with the tiredness and oh so many germs! They have come a long way this term and I am proud of every single one of them.

This is probably the last blog of the year so a final word of thanks to you for your smiles when I open the door, your support with all things school-related, especially the home reading and of course letting me borrow your child to help grow their brain!

Seasons' greetings

Mrs H

hoppy Christmas.png

Tarporley CE Primary, Park Road, Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 0AN

Tel: 01829 708188 | Email: admin@tarporleyce.cheshire.sch.uk

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