Park Hall Farm Trip - Reception

5456464.jpgAs you may be aware from the most recent blog, Reception's summer visit to Park Hall Farm has been arranged for Wednesday 5th June (next half term).

We will be travelling by coach, leaving school at 9am and then returning for a normal 3:20pm pick up. For the day the children will need a packed lunch and a drink in a small rucksack. You can order a school packed lunch on ParentPay. The children will also need to wear wellies on the trip. Children may wear their own comfortable trousers as we will be doing lots of walking and meeting and greeting different animals, but they do need to wear a school jumper or cardigan for easy identification. We suggest they also bring raincoat just in case as we will be spending time outside.

We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £11.00 per child to cover the cost of admission charge. This should be paid via ParentPay by Friday 24thMay, permission for this trip is also given via this method. It is imperative that permission is given by Friday 24th May so your child can attend the trip Should we not receive sufficient contributions, we reserve the right to cancel the trip at short notice. It is the school’s policy, however, to remit charges for those parents whose children are eligible for Free School Meals.

If you would like to volunteer to accompany us on the day, please speak to your child's class teacher. If we are oversubscribed then we will be picking names out of a hat.

If you have any questions about the trip, please contact us at school.

Tarporley CE Primary, Park Road, Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 0AN

Tel: 01829 708188 | Email:

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