Rabbits' blog 18

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 3:08pm

25 April

I've really enjoyed our first two weeks back. The children and I obviously had a refreshing break and were raring to go. Today the tiredness started to hit a little but they kept going with our learning.

In English we are looking at prefixes and suffixes, specifically un- / -er /-est. We have done a lot of vocab building this week related to our text (feelings other than sad and happy) and our topics. This could carry on at home as it always surprises me how many words they don't always understand in a picture book. Try not to ask: What does ... mean?' because it is hard to explain a word if you are not sure exactly what it means. 

As we move to comparisons, the grammar patterns are quite confusing!  If an adjective has one syllable, we add -er (small- smaller) but sometimes we double the consonant (big-bigger); if an adjective has 3 or more syllables, we use 'the more' (beautiful- more beautiful). It is has 2 syllables, sometimes we add the suffix and sometimes we use more (lovely- lovelier) (creased - more creased). Don't you just love the English language!  Talking about language, I hope you read the blog about split vowel digraphs. More info to come early next week.

We enjoyed hearing about Islam from one of our Rabbits this week as we start our new RE topic. We made links with our prior knowledge of Christianity and next week we will do some recording in books and look into more depth at the 5 Pillars of Islam.

In geography they learnt what a compass is and north, east, south, west (I know it doesn't sound quite right to say it like that rather than 'north, south, east, west' but you can imagine the problems I was anticipating with learning that!). We will be using the compass to consider map work as well as bringing it into RE and why Muslims in the UK need to know the direction of Mecca in order to be facing the right way for prayers. Miss Jones and I also noticed that BeWILDerwood uses maps and compass directions so we will utilise all this knowledge!

I wonder if you are a master of maths? We are loving our mastery lessons. I liken it to phonics for maths. We have been looking at 11-15 and making it very clear that it's ten and a bit, not a one. Today we looked at number lines and how to work out where the 5 goes (0-10) and 10 (0-20 line) not counting in 1s but looking for the midpoint. Clever right? Something so simple but so effective in maths fluency. We have also started counting in 2s, 10s and 5s and trying to learn  them off by heart to 50 or 100. We're getting there!  Counting back is more challenging so as much practice as you can at home please.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs H


Tarporley CE Primary, Park Road, Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 0AN

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