Squirrels 01.05.23

Date: 1st May 2023 @ 8:48am

Squirrels are smashing this summer term so far! They seem to have grown up- physically, emotionally and socially during that lovely Easter break. Summer term is when we aim to have everything in place to make great strides and start to consider transition to the next year group. I won't be really mentioning y3/2 until after May half-term- I will not let them go! And we have a lot to do before then...

There is lots of science and geography going on at the moment. We are growing things left, right and centre- in soil, in bags (and then soil), in cupboards and fridges (to understand variables) and I love their enthusiasm. You wouldn't believe the excitement that a little sprout on a bean can produce- oh to be 6 again! 

In geography we have learnt about the 4 UK countries and capital cities and on Friday we learnt what a continent is and what the 7 are. It is a work in progress (when you look at their books!), but one of the things we noticed as we looked at various world maps is how out of proportion some maps place the continents. There is a 'To Do' about the continents and a recurring task about continents and the UK on their Purple Mash account.

In English our new book is 'The Last Wolf'- a modern take on Little Red Riding Hood, with some environmental issues thrown in. We love it so far. We are also reading Ben Miller's 'I fell into a fairytale' at story time which is also teaching us stories that maybe we only know the Disney version of. I am so proud of their ability to listen, understand and reflect on books that are generally slightly above their age/reading level; we discuss vocabulary and we infer and predict a lot and I am convinced that their reading improves as a result of this high quality 15minutes at the end of the day.

Y6 SATs starts on Tuesday which affects us slightly- possibly delayed playtimes, class worship rather than key stage then business as usual from about 11. Our own SATs starts the following week. Y1 will spend more time with Miss Jones (again just for the first hour of the day, then back to normal) and might do lots of PE! Y2 Squirrels will be in their classroom with me and we'll all be feeling fine! We have spent time looking at the reading paper 1 & 2, arithmetic and this week we will do a paper 2 maths reasoning together. The focus is on- just do your best, don't give up and smile- we've got this! (And don't forget that the work they have been doing is what I use for my teacher judgement, the 'special jobs' are there to underpin my judgements.)

All the KS1 team have been considering ways to celebrate next week's Coronation in school on Friday so watch this space!

Mrs H


Tarporley CE Primary, Park Road, Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 0AN

Tel: 01829 708188 | Email: admin@tarporleyce.cheshire.sch.uk

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