Rabbits' blog 3rd September

Date: 3rd Sep 2023 @ 5:41am

Sunday 3rd September

I can't wait! 2 more sleeps!

We have a gentle start to our new year planned. The focus of day 1 will be establishing new routines (where to put our book bags, water bottles etc, where to line up outside, where to sit on the carpet, where and when to go to the toilet...) and so they all feel comfortable in their new environment. I have planned to do phonics, reading and maths alongside our daily worship, story, register. I will also introduce 'relax kids' which is a 5 minute mindfulness activity where we lie on the carpet and listen to a visualisation; the aim is to develop their imagination and allow them and their body a few moments' stillness. They will get better and better at it by the end of this half-term. This is one of the reasons we will take our shoes off in class - who wants to sit on a carpet that has had muddy/wet shoes all over it? Let's hope you've been practising how to put on and take off those lovely new school shoes! (And a note for non-uniform days: please only send them in with laced shoes if they can tie them themselves!) I hope we will be able to do Ray of the Day on day 1 as well. Ray of the day is someone whose light shone brightly - over and above in some way that day. They get to take home either Boofle or Spencer Bear for one night and then share their news with the class the next day. (Notes for parents about it are in the front page of the bear's book.)

As the week goes on we will embed the day 1 routines and add a little more both academically and behaviourally. How will we demonstrate love, hope, joy and celebration, forgiveness and trust in our school life? What will it look like? We will establish some class rules with the focus on keeping us safe and maximising learning.

We have a lot of learning to do this year! Our topics are interesting and the planning well thought-out. I am really looking forward to engaging your child's interest in all the elements of our busy curriculum. Have a look at our class page over the year to find out what we're doing. Which reminds me... that's the next job on the To Do list!

See you Tuesday!

Mrs H

Tarporley CE Primary, Park Road, Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 0AN

Tel: 01829 708188 | Email: admin@tarporleyce.cheshire.sch.uk

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