Rabbits blog 10

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 5:42pm

Thursday 7th December 2023

This week has been mostly nativity practice and English independent writing and lots of rain!

We went to St Helen's on Wednesday for our first proper run through and we were very pleasantly surprised at how confidently they all remembered what to do and when to come on. They were pretty patient as we put up the stage, sorted seating places and got the tech working. I am excited for our dress rehearsal tomorrow (Friday). Not so excited about getting them in their costumes but hey ho (or should I say ho, ho, ho?). I hope you all got the information about next Wednesday in today's text/email. Please get in touch if you have any questions (ie siblings can come as long as they don't take a seat! Or you can use one of your tickets on them of course. Please be mindful of the performers and their 'moments' and plan suitable noise mufflers! ) A real thank you to the mum who took the time to say thanks in advance. It is quite an undertaking doing anything like this! 

The reading challenge is now fully underway. Reading Records were collected in this morning and reads over the last 7 days at home were counted and names moved on. The lure of 50 house points is quite something! For me the lure is greatly competent Y1 readers who learn to love reading. Keep going. I don't need loads of notes about how they got on each read (although I do read them all and try to comment most weeks) so feel free to date and sign. #BusyBusy

As you may have seen on Twitter/X, there is a video of the Remarkable Rabbits doing some independent writing based on our book, Katie In London. We know loads about London landmarks now! If you get the chance to visit over the next few months, it would really make them come to life. Let them tell you the itinerary! Ok, so they may ask to see Queen Elizabeth I's tomb or Traitor's Gate or the Changing of the Guard and they may well expect one of the Trafalgar Square lions to come alive but what a city! We were tour guides this week so maybe they could do a tour guide non-fiction leaflet about Tarporley or Chester over Christmas?

Time to check trip preparations now. Please don't send them in with gloves for our trip. You know when you have a really large amount of socks to match up ...well that's been me this week with gloves. #NotFun. They may need scarves and hats or wellies if this rain persists but they will be busy and having too much fun to fiddle with gloves and I really don't like losing things at a place I won't get them back. I'll put pictures on X for you and maybe on our class page as well.

Show n tell is next week - something you're proud of.

I'll just point to them as my show n tell!

Mrs H


Tarporley CE Primary, Park Road, Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 0AN

Tel: 01829 708188 | Email: admin@tarporleyce.cheshire.sch.uk

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